Predictable Books List
Chain or Circular Story
Aardema, Verna. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears.
Elkins, Benjamin. Why the Sun Was Late.
Janovitz, Marilyn. Look out, Bird!
Numeroff, Laura. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
Numeroff, Laura. If You Give a Moose a Muffin.
Arnold, K. Knock, Knock, Teremok!
Bishop, Gavin. Chicken Licken.
Brisson, Pat. Benny's Pennies.
Burningham, John. Mr. Gumpy's Outing.
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin. Inside a Barn in the Country.
Carle, Eric. Today Is Monday.
Chandra, Deborah. Miss Mabel's Table.
Cole, Henry. Jack's Garden.
Cole, Joanna. It's Too Noisy.
Duff, Maggie. Rum Pum Pum.
Dunbar, Joyce. Seven Sillies.
Dunphy, Madeleine. Here Is the Southwestern Desert.
Dunphy, Madeleine. Here Is The
Galdone, Paul. Little Tuppen: An Old Tale.
Galdone, Paul. The Old Woman And Her Pig.
Hutchins, Pat. Little Pink Pig.
Lobel, Arnold. The Rose In My Garden.
MacDonald, Elizabeth. Mike's Kite.
McLeish, Kenneth. Chicken Licken.
Neitzel, S.The Bag I'm Taking to Grandma's
Ormerod, Jan. The Story of Chicken Licken.
Oxenbury, H. It's My Birthday
Pizer, Abigail. It's a Perfect Day.
Polacco, Patricia. In Enzo's Splendid Gardens.
Sloat, Teri. The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown.
Tolstoy, Alexei. The Great Big Enormous Turnip.
Waddell, Martin. The Pig In the Pond.
West, Colin. "Buzz, Buzz, Buzz," Went Bumblebee.
West, Colin. Have You Seen the Crocodile?
West, Colin. "I Don't Care!" Said the Bear.
West, Colin. "Not Me," Said the Monkey.
Zemach, Harve. The Judge.
Familiar Sequence (days of week, months of year, etc.)
Carle, Eric. Today Is Monday.
Kraus, Robert. Come Out and Play, Little Mouse.
Sendak, Maurice. Chicken Soup With Rice.
Shiefman, Vicky. Sunday Potatoes, Monday Potatoes.
Ward, Cindy. Cookie's Week.
Familiar Sequence (Numbers)
Bucknall, Caroline. One Bear All Alone.
Wood, Jakki. Moo, Moo, Brown Cow.
Banks, Kate. Peter and the Talking Shoes.
Banks, Kate. Spider, Spider.
Bender, Robert. A Most Unusual Lunch.
Brown, Margaret Wise. The Runaway Bunny.
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk. Going For a Walk.
Domanska, Janina. Little Red Hen.
Dunbar, Joyce. Four Fierce Kittens.
Dunbar, Joyce. Seven Sillies.
Gag, Wanda. Millions of Cats.
Galdone, Paul. The Gingerbread Boy.
Galdone, Paul. Little Red Hen.
Galdone, Paul. The Three Bears.
Galdone, Paul. The Three Billy Goats Gruff.
Hutchins, Pat. Little Pink Pig.
Kalan, Robert. Stop, Thief!
Krauss, Ruth. The Carrot Seed.
Maris, Ron. Are You There Bear?
Maris, Ron. I Wish I Could Fly.
McNaughton, C. Suddenly!
Nodset, Joan L. Who Took The Farmers Hat?
Patron, Susan. Dark Cloud Strong Breeze.
Wing, Natasha. Hippity Hop, Frog On Top.
Zemach, Margot. The Little Red Hen.
Coxe, Molly. Whose Footprints?
Greeley, Valerie. Where's My Share?
Guy, Ginger Foglesong. Black Crow, Black Crow.
Janovitz, Marilyn. Is it Time?
Kraus, Robert. Whose Mouse Are You?
Martin, Bill. Brown Bear, Brown Bear.
Alborough, Jez. Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming!
Archambault, John & Bill Martin Jr. A Beautiful Feast for a Big King Cat.
Brown, Margaret Wise. The Important Book.
Brown, Margaret Wise. Goodnight Moon. read review
Brown, Ruth. A Dark, Dark Tale.
Butler, Dorothy. A Happy Tale.
Carle, Eric. Do You Want To Be My Friend?
Carle, Eric. Have you Seen My Cat?
Coxe, Molly. Whose Footprints?
Dale, Penny. Ten Out Of Bed.
Day, David. King Of The Woods.
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk. Going For A Walk.
De Regniers, Beatrice Schenk. How Joe The Bear And Sam The Mouse Got Together.
Dunbar, Joyce. Four Fierce Kittens.
Gordon, Jeffrie Ross. Two Badd Babies.
Greeley, Valerie. Where's My Share?
Grindley, Sally. Knock, Knock! Who's There?
Guarino, Deborah. Is Your Mama A Llama?
Guy, Ginger Foglesong. Black Crow, Black Crow.
Hamsa, Bobbie. Dirty Larry.
Hayes, Sarah. This Is The Bear And The Picnic Lunch.
Hennesy, B.G. Jake Baked The Cake.
Hoberman, Mary Ann. A House Is A House For Me.
Hutchins, Pat. Little Pink Pig.
Kahn, Joan. You Can't
Kalan, Robert. Stop, Thief!
King, Bob. Sitting On The Farm.
Knowles, Tizzie. No, Barnaby.
Kraus, Robert. Come Out And Play, Little Mouse .
Kraus, Robert. Where Are You Going, Little Mouse?
Krauss, Ruth. Big And Little.
Lindbergh, Reeve. There's A COW In The Road!
Lockwood, Primrose and Clara Vulliamy. Cat Boy!
MacDonald, Elizabeth. Mike's Kite.
Martin, Bill. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
McGilvray, Richard. Don't Climb Out Of The Window Tonight.
Masurel, Claire & Marie H. Henry. Good Night!
Masurel, Claire. No, No, Titus!
Most, Bernard. If The Dinosaurs Came Back.
Pizer, Abigail. It's A Perfect Day.
Pryor, Ainslie. The Baby Blue Cat Who Said No.
Rathmann, Peggy. Good Night, Gorilla.
Rogers, Paul and Emma. What's Wrong Tom?
Sawicki, Norma Jean. The Little Red House.
Sendak, Maurice. Chicken Soup With Rice.
Serfozo, Mary. Who Said Red?
Shannon, George. Dance Away.
Shannon, George. The Piney Woods Peddler.
Shiefman, Vicky. Sunday Potatoes, Monday Potatoes.
Sloat, Teri. The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown
Tafuri, Nancy. Have You Seen My Duckling?
Van Laan, Nancy. A Mouse In My House.
Van Laan, Nancy. Possum Come A-Knockin.
Waddell, Martin. Sailor Bear.
Watanbe, Shigeo. How Do I Put It On?
West, Colin. "Buzz, Buzz, Buzz," Went Bumblebee.
West, Colin. Have You Seen the Crocodile?
West, Colin. "Hello, Great Big Bullfrog!"
West, Colin. I Bought My Love A Tabby Cat.
West, Colin. "I Don't Care!" Said the Bear.
West, Colin. "Not Me," Said The Monkey.
Wing, Natasha. Hippity Hop, Frog On Top.
Wolkstein, Diane. Step by Step.
Wong, O. From My Window
Wood, Audrey. Silly Sally.
Wood, Jakki. Moo, Moo, Brown Cow.
Wylie, Joanne and David. A Big Fish Story.
Wylie, Joanne and David. A More Or Less Fish Story.
Zamorano, Ana. Let's Eat!
Ackerman, Karen. This Old House.
Adlerman, Daniel.
Archambault, John And Bill Martin Jr. A beautiful Feast For A Big King Cat.
Brooke, Leslie. Johnny Crow's Garden.
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin. Inside a Barn in the Country.
Carlstrom, Nancy White. Rise and Shine.
Chandra, Deborah. Miss Mabel's Table.
Dunbar, Joyce. Four Fierce Kittens.
Fleming, Denise. Barnyard Banter.
Florian, Douglas. A Beach Day.
Florian, Douglas. A Summer Day.
Florian, Douglas. A Winter Day.
Gag, Wanda. The ABC Bunny.
Guarino, Deborah. Is Your Mama A Llama?
Hayes, Sarah. This Is The Bear And The Picnic Lunch.
Hennessy, B.G. Jake Baked The Cake.
Hoberman, Mary Ann. A House Is A House For Me.
Jaques, F. There Once Was a Puffin
Janovitz, Marilyn. Is it Time?
Leuck, L. Sun is Falling, Night is Calling
Levine, Abby. You Push, I Ride.
Lindbergh, Reeve. There's A COW In The Road.
Mandel, Peter. Red Cat, White Cat.
Marzollo, J. Sun Song
Patron, Susan. Dark Cloud Strong Breeze.
Pomerantz, Charlotte. Flap Your Wings and Try.
Punnett, Dick. Our Brat Cat.
Robinson, M. The Zoo at Night
Samton, Sheila White. Beside The Bay.
Siebert, Diane. Train Song.
Sloat, Teri. The Thing That Bothered Farmer Brown
Stickland, Paul. One Bear, One Dog.
Wahl, J. Cats and Robbers
Weiss, Nicki.
West, Colin. I Bought My Love A Tabby Cat.
Wood, Audrey. Silly Sally.
Zemach, Harve. The Judge.
Emberley, Barbara. One
Hoffman, Hilde. The Green Grass Grows All Around.
Keats, Ezra Jack. Over In The Meadow.
King, Bob. Sitting on The Farm.
Langstaff, John M. Over In The Meadow.
Langstaff, John M. Soldier, Soldier, Won't You Marry Me?
Turner, Gwenda. Over On The Farm.
Zuromskis, Diane. The Farmer In The Dell.
Compiled by Virginia Richey, MCPL Children's Dept. Head
Copyright 1996
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